List of steps
Total number of steps : 3
Pessoas Colectiva (2)
1 Apresentar a declaração de rendimentos 
2 Notificação da fixação ao contribuinte 
Declarar rendimentos (1)
3 Pagamento 
Summary of the procedure Print Summary of the procedure No previous step Apresentar a declaração de rendimentos

Where to go?

You will have to go to the following agencies. The number indicates how many interactions are required with each entity.
Ministério das Finanças e do Planeamento (x 3)
1 2 3

What you will get

The objective of the procedure is to obtain those documents.

Required documents

The documents with green band will be provided to you during the procedure.

Modelo 1 B
Modelo 1 B 
Guia do pagamento
Guia do pagamento 

How much?

This list shows the costs in all steps of the procedure.
15 % of  (Valor global anual dos rendimentos) 
Free of charge

How long ?

The estimated total time is calculated by adding the time spent: 1) waiting in queue, 2) at the counter and 3) between steps.
  min. max.
Total time (sum): 30 d 120 d
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum):  5mn 1hr 05mn
Attention at counter (sum):  5mn  20mn
Waiting time until next step (sum): 30 d 120 d

Legal justification?

The regulations which justify the procedure and its content
Decreto-Lei 1/96, de 1996, Regulamento do IURartigo 70ºartigo 23º nº 3artigo 14º nº 1Decreto-Lei 1/96, de 1996, Regulamento do IURreguliur%5fdecretlei%5f1%5f96%2epdfreguliur%5fdecretlei%5f1%5f96%2epdf Decreto-Lei 1/96, de 1996, Regulamento do IUR
 (articles artigo 14º nº 1, artigo 23º nº 3, artigo 70º)
Lei 127/IV/95, Lei de Bases do IURartigo 5º e 16ºartigo 27ºLei 127/IV/95, de 1995,  Lei de Base IURiur%5flei%5fde%5fbase%2epdfiur%5flei%5fde%5fbase%2epdf Lei 127/IV/95, Lei de Bases do IUR
 (articles artigo 27º, artigo 5º e 16º)